Special Issue: Historically Black Colleges and Universities: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Special Issue: Historically Black Colleges and Universities: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have played a pivotal role in higher education in the United States of America by serving as institutions of excellence and opportunity for African American students and others wishing to obtain an education. HBCUs have a rich history of fostering a culture of academic achievement, leadership development, and empowerment. In recent years, discussions around diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging have brought a renewed focus on the value that HBCUs bring to higher education and their unique contributions to preparing students for the ever-changing demands of the workforce.
The aim of this special edition is to explore the unique legacy of Historically Black Colleges and Universities in preparing students and uplifting communities along with highlighting the innovative ways that they continue to develop leaders for the future of work in America. We invite scholars, researchers, educators, graduates, practitioners, and supporters to submit original works and scholarly articles that contribute to our understanding of the multi-layered dimensions of what is the value of HBCUs to American society and the international community and also underscoring their contributions to research, teaching, community service, and/or workforce readiness, specifically with a focus on the impact on African American and other minority students. By bringing together voices from this community, this special edition aims to contribute to the movement toward uncovering broader implications on the continued need for HBCUs for the advancement of American higher education, society, and the global community.
Topics of Interest: Papers for this special edition should address, but are not limited to, the following topics:
- The historical significance and evolution of HBCUs in American higher education.
- The role of HBCUs in fostering academic excellence and career preparedness.
- Innovative teaching and learning strategies at HBCUs that enhance workforce readiness and/or graduate or professional school preparedness.
- Successful initiatives and programs at HBCUs that promote career development, entrepreneurship, and/or leadership.
- The impact of HBCU alumni on the workforce, including their contributions to various industries and communities.
- HBCU leaders/leadership and their legacy
- Challenges and opportunities faced by HBCUs in preparing students for the future of work.
- The influence of HBCUs on broader diversity and inclusion efforts in American education and workforce.
- The HBCU experience and its long-term benefits for graduates
- Reflections on the value, contributions, and/or experience at an HBCU from alumni, stakeholders, and supporters
- “My HBCU Matters”: HBCU Advocacy and the necessity of sustainment.
- The economic, social, and educational contributions of HBCUs to their local community
- Aspects of HBCU Culture: Greek Like, Homecoming, Bands, and Student Organizations
- The Uniqueness of Faculty and Academics at HBCUs
- Innovation in teaching, research, and community service at HBCUs
- Whiteness/the white student experience at HBCUs
- HBCUs and internationalization
- The international student and/or faculty experience at an HBCU
Submission Types: Because of the unique nature of this edition, the overarching theme is inclusivity. While traditional research manuscripts are the main focus, non-traditional works (e.g., reflective essays grounded in theory, poetry, book reviews, editorials) will also be considered for review.
Submission Guidelines: Authors are invited to submit original manuscripts that explore the theme of this special edition. Submissions should adhere to the journal's formatting guidelines, which can be found on the journal's website http://www.leraweb.net/ojs/index.php/RICE/index.
Important Dates:
Abstract Submissions Deadline: May 31st, 2024 [please email directly to [email protected]]
*Abstracts should be at minimum 500 words.
Notification of Acceptance: July 2024
Draft of Manuscript Due: September 2024
Peer review: September-October 2024
Revisions: October-November 2024
Editorial Review: November-December 2024
Final Revision of Manuscript Due: January 2024
Final Publication Date: February 2025
Please send all questions to Dr. Jerry Parker, Managing Editor ([email protected])